
Thanks to a wonderful Bay Area start-up named The Passion Co., I was able to showcase my first ever interactive design project to +100 people. The project, thankyouProject, was created to encourage sharing, creating and expressing what we are each uniquely grateful for.  Check out my story here:

A blank poster was provided where participants could interactively share using post-its and marker, what they are grateful for.


Below the post-it station was a series of 5 unfinished postcards with simple line drawings, blank scenes, or finish-the-sentence prompts upon them. Participants were encouraged to sit down and creatively complete a postcard of their choice and I personally mailed each piece to anyone, anywhere for them. Inks, markers, and rubber stamps were provided.


Outcome? Success! 26 participated in the thankyouProject. Participants engaged from 5-10 minutes sharing, creating and expressing their gratitude to strangers, friends and loved ones across the country and the world.